@article{Bisconti:2019vl, author = "Bisconti, Francesca and Belz, J.W. and Bertaina, Mario E. and Blin-Bondil, S. and Capel, F. and Casolino, M. and Ebisuzaki, T. and Eser, Johannes and Gorodetzky, P. and Matthews, J.N. and Parizot, E. and Piotrowski, L.W. and Plebaniak, Z. and PrevĂ´t, G. and Putis, M. and Sagawa, H. and Sakaki, N. and Shin, H. and Shinozaki, K. and Sokolsky, P. and Takizawa, Y. and Tameda, Yuichiro and Thomson, G.B.", title = "{EUSO-TA ground based fluorescence detector: analysis of the detected events}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0197", journal = "PoS", year = 2019, volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "197" }