Gamma-ray spectrometry in the cutoff region as a key for the understanding of radiation processes in 3C 279
D. Zargaryan*, C. Romoli and F. Aharonian
Published on:
February 25, 2020
We present results of spectrometric studies based on the observations of very strong 3C 279 flares in high and very-high-energy bands and discuss their implications regarding the origin of radiation mechanisms. The FSRQ 3C 279 (z=0.536) is one of the most luminous gamma-ray emitting AGN. It shows variability on time scales down to minutes during strong flares detected by the Fermi-LAT. We have analyzed LAT and Swift-XRT data for the flaring periods in June 2015 and January 2018, when the flux above 100 MeV during hourly time intervals could exceed 3×10−5 ph cm−2 s−1. The X-ray flux derived from Swift X-ray observations described by a very hard spectrum with photon index 1.5 is typically explained by Inverse Compton scattering of low energy electrons and protons. Here we consider an alternative interpretation which describes the entire band from X-ray to very high energy as a results of synchrotron emission by ultra relativistic electrons or protons.
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