Spin Physics with a fixed-target experiment at the LHC
M.G. Echevarria*, S.J. Brodsky, G. Cavoto, C. Da Silva, F. Donato, E.G. Ferreiro,
C. Hadjidakis, I. Hřivnác\v ová, D. Kikoła, A. Klein, A. Kurepin, A. Kusina, J.P. Lansberg, C. Lorcé, F. Lyonnet, Y. Makdisi, L. Massacrier, S. Porteboeuf, C. Quintans, A. Rakotozafindrabe, P. Robbe, W. Scandale, I. Schienbein, J. Seixas, H.S. Shao, A. Signori, N. Topilskaya, B. Trzeciak, A. Uras, J. Wagner, N. Yamanaka, Z. Yang and A. Zelenskiet al. (click to show)
Pre-published on:
August 19, 2019
Published on:
August 23, 2019
The multi-TeV proton and ion beams of the LHC would allow for the most energetic fixed-target experiment ever.
In particular, $pp$, $p$d and $p$A collisions could be performed at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 115~GeV, as well as Pb$p$ and PbA collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 72~GeV, in a parasitic way by making use of the already existing LHCb and ALICE detectors in fixed-target mode.
This would offer the possibility to carry out a ground-breaking physics program, to study the nucleon and nuclear structure at high $x$, the spin content of the nucleon and the phases of the nuclear matter from a new rapidity viewpoint.
In this talk I focus on the spin physics axis of the full program developed so far by the AFTER@LHC study group.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.346.0063
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