Recent RHIC and LHC results show that the nuclear modification factor of $D^0$ mesons at high transverse momenta as well as their elliptic flow are similar to those of light flavor hadrons, indicating that charm quarks also interact very strongly with the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). During interactions, charm quarks lose substantial energy and gain significant elliptic flow. It is then imperative to measure bottom quark production in heavy-ion collisions in order to study the mass dependence of parton-medium interactions in the QGP.
In these proceedings, measurements of open bottom hadron production obtained through reconstruction of their displaced decay daughters ($B \rightarrow$ J/$\psi,~D^{0},~e$) in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 200 GeV at STAR are presented. These measurements are made possible thanks to the high-precision vertexing and tracking provided by the Heavy Flavor Tracker. Nuclear modification factors of J/$\psi,~D^{0}$ and electrons from open bottom hadron decays are measured and compared with those of open charm hadrons at RHIC.