Bursting H2O maser source G25.65+1.05: from single-dish to space VLBI
O. Bayandina*, A.V. Alakoz, R.A. Burns, S.E. Kurtz, E.E. Lekht, G.M. Rudnitskii, N.N. Shakhvorostova, M.A. Shurov, I.E. Val'tts, L.N. Volvach, A.E. Volvach on behalf of the Maser Monitoring Organization (M2O)
Pre-published on:
March 11, 2019
Published on:
October 09, 2019
In 2017-18 the source of outstanding H2O maser bursts G25.65+1.05 have been intensively studied with a wide range of baselines - from compact array (JVLA) and ground VLBI (EVN, VLBA, KaVA) to space VLBI (RadioAstron mission supported by VLBA and EVN telescopes) - the report gives a brief summary of these observations.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.344.0150
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