The Proton Timing System of the TOTEM experiment at LHC
E. Bossini* and On behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration
Pre-published on:
May 21, 2019
Published on:
July 25, 2019
The TOTEM experiment has developed a new timing detector to be used during a special LHCrun. The new proton timing detector, based on Ultrafast Silicon Detectors, is installed in theTOTEM Roman Pots, at 220 meters from the interaction point 5 at LHC. The sensors are readoutthrough a fast sampler chip: the SAMPIC. With a sampler, it is possible to record the detectorwaveforms so that sophisticated offline algorithms can be used to achieve the best timing perfor-mance. A new board has been designed to integrate the chip in the TOTEM and CMS DAQ andcontrol systems. The core component of the board is a radiation hard FPGA, with a dedicatedfirmware designed to configure the SAMPIC and assemble the DAQ data frame event. The sys-tem was successfully operated during the run in July 2018. The detector will be described and thepreliminary results discussed.
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