Accretion Processes in Astrophysics - II (Concluding Address)
Pre-published on:
August 12, 2019
Published on:
February 14, 2020
Before I officially conclude this workshop -- and far be it from me to attempt more conclusive remarks than those effected by Nikolai Shakura, Paul Mason, Dmitry Bisikalo, and Janusz Ziolkowski -- I would like to comment on a few highlights coming from our very fruitful week of discussions about "Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources - II". I make no pretension of completeness in these brief remarks. For a clear short summary about my scientific route of course immersed in that larger of my life I invite readers to see the concluding address of the first edition of this series of workshops (Giovannelli, 2016). I hope that this could be useful for the readers, especially if young.
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