New Precision Measurement of Muonium Hyperfine Structure
Y. Ueno*, Y. Matsuda, S. Seo, T. Tanaka, H.A. Torii, D. Yagi, H. Yasuda, S. Nishimura, K.i. Sasaki, Y. Sato, K. Shimomura, P. Strasser, H. Yamaguchi, S. Kanda, K.S. Tanaka, T. Yamanaka on behalf of the MuSEUM collaboration
Published on:
August 02, 2019
Muonium is one of the best probes for the test of the bound-state QED, owing to the absence of the effect from the internal structure of nucleons. The recent establishment of intense pulsed muon beams at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) paves the way to improved measurement of the muonium ground-state hyperfine structure (MuHFS). The measurement of MuHFS also determines the muon magnetic moment precisely, which is an important input parameter for the measurements of muon g-2, which is known for the 3-sigma discrepancy between the experiment and the theory. Muonium Spectroscopy Experiment Using Microwave (MuSEUM) collaboration aims to improve the precursor MuHFS experiment by a factor of ten. We present the status of the project and the prospect.
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