The design and performance of the ESS Neutrino Super Beam project ESSνSB
T.J.C. Ekelöf* and M. Dracos
Published on:
April 24, 2019
The European Spallation Source linear proton accelerator will have a uniquely high power of 5 MW. The modifications and additions to the accelerator that are required to enable the generation of a uniquely intense neutrino Super Beam ESSνSB for measurement of leptonic CP violation using a large water Cherenkov detector are described. ESSνSB is complementary to the other two proposed Super Beam experiments Hyper-K and DUNE by the fact that the resulting high neutrino beam intensity allows to place the neutrino detector at the second oscillation maximum. The simulated performance of the ESSνSB experiment is compared to the other two experiments under the assumption of the same systematic errors in all three experiments. The performance of ESSνSB for CP violation precision measurements is found to be highly competitive.
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