T2K is an experiment designed to observe neutrino oscillations with a baseline of 295 km across Japan from the J-PARC accelerator complex in Tokai to the Super-Kamiokande detector in Kamioka. Its main goal is to measure oscillation parameters though $\nu_\mu$ disappearance and $\nu_e$ appearance. T2K was the first experiment which published an indication of non-zero value for the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ , and recently published its first result in the search for CP violation in neutrino oscillations combining appearance and disappearance channels for $\nu/\bar\nu$ beam.
Entering the age of precision measurement of the neutrino parameters, T2K published neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurements of various interaction channels at T2K off-axis (ND280) andon-axis (INGRID) near detectors.
In this proceeding, the latest oscillation and cross-section results are reported.