Progress on Machine and Deep Learning applications in CMS Computing
D. Bonacorsi*,
V. Kuznetsov,
L. Giommi,
T. Diotalevi,
J.R. Vlimant,
D. Abercrombie,
C. Contreras,
A. Repecka,
Z. Matonis and
K. Kancys*: corresponding author
Published on:
December 12, 2018
Machine and Deep Learning techniques are being used in various areas of CMS operations at the LHC collider, like data taking, monitoring, processing and physics analysis. A review a few selected use cases - with focus on CMS software and computing - shows the progress in the field, with highlight on most recent developments, as well as an outlook to future applications in LHC Run III and towards the High-Luminosity LHC phase.
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