WLCG Tier-2 site at NCP, Status Update and Future Direction
S. Haleem*, F. Saeed, A.u.R. Zafar and M. Imran
*: corresponding author
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Published on: December 12, 2018
The National Centre for Physics (NCP) in Pakistan maintains a computing infrastructure for the scientific community. A major portion of the computing and storage resources are reserved for the CMS experiment through the WLCG infrastructure, and a small portion of the computing resources are reserved for other non experimental high-energy physics (EHEP) scientific experiments. For efficient utilization of resources, many scientific organizations have migrated their resources into infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) facilities. The NCP has also taken such an initiative last year, and has migrated most of their resources into an IaaS facility. An HT-condor based batch system has been deployed for the local experimental high energy physics community to allow them to perform their analysis task. Recently we deployed an HT-Condor compute element (CE) as a gateway for the CMS jobs. On the network side, our Tier-2 site is completely accessible and operational on IPv6. Moreover, we recently deployed a Perfsonar node to actively monitor the throughput and latency issues between NCP and other WLCG sites. This paper discusses the status of NCP Tier-2 site, its current challenges and future directions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.327.0015
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