Developments of Two High-speed Dual-channel VCSEL Driver ASICs
W. Zhou*, X. Sun, L. Xiao, D. Guo, Q. Sun, D. Gong, G. Huang, T. Liu, C. Liu and J. Ye
Pre-published on:
March 05, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
We present two designs of a dual-channel VCSEL driver ASIC, LOCld130 and LOCld65, for detector front-end readout via optical links. Each channel of the driver is designed to operate up to 5.12 Gbps or 14 Gbps respectively. They are implemented in commercial 130-nm and 65-nm CMOS technologies. Techniques that are adopted to extend the bandwidth are multiple stages, shared inductive peaking, active feedback and passive R-C. In the typical case the 5.12-Gbps driver dissipates 56 mW/channel (VCSEL included) and the 14-Gbps 58 mW/channel. LOCld65 will be tested in November 2017 and LOCld130 will be submitted for fabrication in the spring of 2018.
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