What does the matter created in high multiplicity proton-nucleus collisions teach us about the 3-D structure of the proton?
R. Venugopalan*, K. Dusling and M. Mace
Published on:
March 23, 2018
The study of multiparticle correlations and collectivity in the hot and dense matter created in collisions of heavy-ions as well as those of smaller systems such as proton--heavy-ion collisions has progressed to the point where detailed knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the proton is needed to confront experimental data. We discuss results from a simple proof-of-principle initial state parton model which reproduces many features of the data on proton--heavy-ion collisions that are often ascribed to hydrodynamic flow. We outline how this model can be further improved with particular emphasis on missing elements in our understanding of the dynamical spatial and momentum structure of the proton
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.308.0039
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