We investigated the origin of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (GDXE) using the archive data taken by Suzaku focusing on the Fe lines, Fe I Ka, Fe XXV Hea, and Fe XXVI Lya, separately. From the detailed flux profile of ¥Hea, we decomposed the GDXE into three components: Center, Ridge, and Bulge. Since the Fe I Ka and Fe XXV Hea lines have different spatial distributions, they should have different origins. We also modeled Fe-band spectra of X-ray active stars (XAS), magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCV), non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (non-mCV), and active binaries (AB) using the Suzaku archive data. The X-ray spectrum near the Fe K-shell lines of Bulge is well explained by the non-mCVs-dominant plasmas with a small contribution of mCVs and ABs. The Center and Ridge spectra still remain significant residuals with any combination of the point sources.