6-quark Dark Matter: viable + explains many observations
Pre-published on:
December 04, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
It is proposed that the relatively inert, highly symmetric, flavor singlet scalar hadron made of $uuddss$ quarks may have a mass $< 2 (m_p + m_e)$. This is consistent with QCD theory, and with existing accelerator and non-accelerator constraints. For mass in the 1.5-1.8 GeV range, the observed DM relic abundance and the observed DM to ordinary matter (OM) ratio are naturally explained. It freezes out before primordial nucleosynthesis and does not significantly impact primordial abundances, so the conventional argument that DM is non-baryonic does not apply. The interaction cross section between DM and the gas in the Galaxy is such that the dark matter in our local neighborhood is naturally co-rotating with the solar system, to a sufficient degree that DM does not have enough energy to be detected in XQC, the most sensitive DM experiment in this scenario. Its interaction with the gas in galactic disks provides the first (non-Mondian) explanation for the striking correlation in the small-scale structure of rotation curves and the inhomogeneous distribution of gas, and explains why most but not all galaxies exhibit such correlations. It naturally produces a dark matter disk as suggested by recent studies, and removes the inconsistencies of LCDM which motivated the idea of self-interacting DM (SIDM). Lab experiments to discover this particle are discussed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.301.0929
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