@inproceedings{LeBlanc:2017as, author = "Le Blanc, Oriane and Fasola", "Gilles and Dournaux", "Jean-Laurent and Dangeon, Lucie and Hocdé, Vincent and Amans", "Jean-Philippe and Huet", "Jean-Michel and Jégouzo, Isabelle and Laporte", "Philippe and Sol, Helene and Perennes, Cédric and Gironnet, Johann and Buchholtz, Gilles and Abchiche, Abdel", title = "{Towards f inal characteris ation and performance of the GCT prototype telescope structure for the Cherenkov Telescope Array}", doi = "10.22323/1.301.0836", booktitle = "Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2017)", year = 2017, volume = "301", pages = "836" }