A simple method to optimize HMC performance
A. Bussone*, M. Della Morte, V. Drach, M. Hansen, A. Hietanen, J. Rantaharju and C. Pica
Pre-published on:
December 27, 2016
Published on:
March 24, 2017
We present a practical strategy to optimize a set of Hybrid Monte Carlo parameters in simulations of QCD and QCD-like theories. We specialize to the case of mass-preconditioning, with multiple time-step Omelyan integrators. Starting from properties of the shadow Hamiltonian we show how the optimal setup for the integrator can be chosen once the forces and their variances are measured, assuming that those only depend on the mass-preconditioning parameter.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.256.0260
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