Charmonium and charmed meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD
D. Tims*, G. Cheung, C. O'Hara, G. Moir, M.J. Peardon, S. Ryan, C. Thomas on behalf of the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
Pre-published on:
February 01, 2017
Published on:
March 24, 2017
Spectra of highly excited hidden and open-charm mesons calculated on dynamical lattice QCD ensembles with a pion mass of $M_{\pi}\sim 240$ MeV are presented and compared to previous results obtained on a lattice where $M_{\pi}\sim400$ MeV. The distillation technique was employed in order to compute the necessary correlation functions, allowing the use of a large basis of interpolating operators with various spatial structures. This basis included operators proportional to the gluonic field strength, allowing the identification of possible hybrid states. We conclude that reducing the light quark mass has little effect on the overall pattern and structure of the spectra.
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