PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 255 - The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects - III (Golden2015) - Cataclysmic Variables
Low States of Polars: Catalina (CRTS) Light Curves
P. Mason* and J.B. Santana
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Pre-published on: March 01, 2017
Published on: May 23, 2017
We discuss an important outstanding problem in accretion astrophysics for the highest field magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) known as polars. Namely, what is the the origin of low
accretion states in these disk-less CVs? A number of suggestions have been made to account for the often observed 3 mag drop in optical light. However, the long-term variability of polars is
well observed in just a handful of cases. We broaden the study of long-term optical behavior by analyzing photometry from the Catalina Real-time Transit Survey (CRTS) from about 9 years of
data. CRTS cadence depends on source location, so some data-sets are sparser than others. Here we examine a representative subset of well observed sources.

High to low brightness transitions corresponding to complete shutting off of accretion are observed only in a minority of cases. More commonly, polars drop to low brightness levels very briefly or not at all. However, there are also several low accretion rate polars (LARPS) constantly in low states. Some polars show dipping behavior, dropping to minimal levels only to quickly rise to intermediate or higher levels. Other polars very rarely drop to low states. A selection of 44 polars, with well sampled light CRTS light curves are shown to demonstrate representative behavior. Those with repeatable low states are AMHer, AR UMa, EF Eri, IW Eri, CSS J1944-4202,
ST LMi, MR Ser, and EV UMa. Eclipsing polars shown are DP Leo, J0227+1306, V1309 Ori, HS Cam, MN Hya, HU Aqr, EP Dra, HY Eri. LARPS include WX LMi, MQ Dra, J1250+1549, SDSS J1514+0744, IL Leo, SDSS J0837+3850, HS0922+1333, and V379 Vir. Polars dipping to, but not remaining, in low states include EG Lyn, EK UMa, BM CrB, EQ Cet, V834 Cen, and CSS J0810+0024. Complex multi-state behavior is seen in FL Cet (also eclipsing), CE Gru, GG
Leo, FR Lyn, SDSS J1530+2206, and EQ Cet. Other polars mostly remaining in high states are PW Aqr (also eclipsing), CSS J0810+0024, AN UMa, CP Tuc, EU Lyn, V1189 Her, AI Tri, and
CD Ind.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.255.0016
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